Sunday, March 9, 2008

Orange Hair Or Copper Red


or the vulgarity of the structure

Common sense was,
but was hidden for fear of common sense.

Alessandro Manzoni

The Adelchi of CB is an occasion for a concert for voice, orchestra and chorus, on the occasion of the bicentenary of the birth of Alessandro Manzoni (Milan, Teatro Lirico, 1984), ed'una publication written by Giuseppe di Leva, also co-author of the stage adaptation.
With this "pamphlet, essay, story, delirium, the authors provide an original interpretation of Manzoni's text, is not without its pleasant digressions and forcing. Exegesis, as the subtitle, tends to make show the "vulgarity of politics:" political "as an adjective, but also as a noun. The political practice, not least of those who exercise it, would therefore vulgar. Vulgarity is going to cretinism, idealism, and so on to prevent political act sensibly. Vulgar is the inability to make politics what it should be: the art of the possible. Vulgaris is the ineptitude that prevents predict a disaster, or to recognize an already in progress, is known as "the ability of light 'politics' to press the accelerator in view of the danger"


All history is the history of fonè.
It gives representation only to the written page, the story follows, that is no longer the story.
Each story is written imaginary. You can revisit only through language. (Ri ) live 'original' which questioned due to the language. Reliability of facts (in your produce you) is your style. But the mortification of your style. Therefore, 'trust' is the only historical novel. Or the 'speech' on some history . Alessandro Manzoni is a teacher of History.

Adelchi's departure is not peaceful, it's just peaceful. In the face of death, he sets aside any resentment to rely completely on the Christian hope. And on the brink of peace, can afford to be summarized in the "no choice but to do wrong or patirlo" the meaning of human life, satisfied to let his father won and dispossessed, "in between the oppressed."

In "to hurt or patirlo," the author - it is clear - is an eye bandage, as if to return a door to the dramatic Adelchi of "reliability" of reading. About how he watched the "Catholic Morality" has an inborn concept of action-passion in the "to do wrong is patirlo. And the benevolent condescension to us the alternative is simply the "ignorance" of which the author takes care to meet us, the sky lowered his clairvoyance in exchange for our attention. It is the tragedy of a good compromise. The abandonment which is nell'Adelchi This excess in the deep breath of Promise is assente.23

To underline the paradigmatic value of the "impracticability of the possible," the authors call into question another victim of the excellent ' political misunderstanding, another man of compromise with a capital C: Aldo Moro.

ripiove eyes And here the sequence of state funeral of Aldo Moro, in San Giovanni in Rome. [...] Paul VI, visibly moved, bargain with God: "You did not want to answer our prayers ..." That pontiff cried his friend gagged by the eternal silence at his feet, and bitterly, too human, benevolent, yes , that his humble and strange "reprimand" the intransigence "unfairly" severe who "lands and raises" the tone, say, changing color in the ill-concealed disappointment and outrage and terrible at his side for so many innocent Realpolitik: ugly (secular) , deaf and dumb, and unacknowledged rea.24

Again, the compromise as "excessive centralization" appears as the only sensible solution, but suffers from a lack of understanding of the "illusion of extreme ideologies," and the intransigence of cliques tolemaiche.25

Thou hast seen, O Lord: State of the massacres (of state), we have always closed all eyes on the changes of the reformists and feverish proffered forgiveness to the vulgarity of the pragmatic "revolutionaries" who continue to hold "extreme" delirious mania for all its attempt to reaffirm state to state, "another "only in the game of mocking (RIS) volti.26

And even if revolution (every revolution, as is evident from the generality of the proposition, first among equals that of the poet Mayakovsky Well known for segno27) is a false choice, nothing more than a change of nomen domain registry, or, to put it with Klossowski's Sade mon prochain, is a process whose only result is the assumption by the prerogatives of the Masters of Slaves: well: the responsibility of History dell'invivibilità fatally bleed from the "political" to the office, as we have seen, and finally overflows in structural impossibility, since the rest has already been announced in the overture of the book: all history is the history of fonè.

(pg. 35/34)

quote from C. Well, G. Di Leva, The Adelchi or the vulgarity of politics, Longanesi, Milan 1984