Monday, June 28, 2010

Why Do Scorpio Males Disappear .

MotoKozzaglia 2010

ME AND CHRISTINE We \u200b\u200bhad a WORLD!

Pokemon Ranger Deluge

This bike is fire and flames!

The fact that the idea is basically an American does not surprise us too much ... but at least the result is bizarre, though highly effective ! What you see in the video is also the inventor of the system itself, which after having considered some kind of after-market decided farselo da se giudicando quelli disponibili sul mercato come “pericolosi” per la salute del motore !

Sicuramente d’effetto al bar o ai raduni, ma più guardo il video e più mi rendo conto di quanto sia stupida l’idea…Non oso neanche immaginare cosa possa succedere se il guidatore dovesse innavertiamente azionare il sistema con qualcuno dietro alla moto!

Monday, June 21, 2010

Homemade Spot Treatment Nutmeg

The Dark Tower will come after Lost

Ottime notizie per chi - e sono many - waiting for a film adaptation of Dark Tower by Stephen King.

In September 2008 Damon Lindelof , which will produce the film, he explained that this adjustment is difficult to consider as "one of Lord of the Rings must have been for Peter Jackson .'s just that we have before us seven books. The idea that I and Carlton Cuse we think about it during Lost is simply impossible. We always talk about the Dark Tower , but we have not yet begun to think about how it will be like the movie. We only know that we will achieve before the first movie, and then see if people will want the second and so on. "

Today we discover that not only the discussions were identified, but also JJ Abrams is involved, and the hypothesis that the process begins when Lost will end becomes more likely. That's how he explained the director of Star Trek :

Damon Lindelof and I abbiamo parlato con Stephen King. Abbiamo i diritti per produrre La Torre Nera come film. Damon ovviamente sta lavorando ancora a Lost, e ha collaborato con me per Star Trek. Ma appena Lost sarà finito, speriamo di iniziare a lavorare a quello.

Lindelof, dal canto suo, conferma tutto a Lostpedia , spiegando di non poter pensare ad altro che Lost con l'avvicinarsi dell'ultima serie:

Ora come ora stiamo pensando solo alla stagione finale di Lost, è dura pensare a qualcosa d'altro. L'ultima cosa a cui voglio pensare ora è a come adattare una serie di sette libri, opera dello scrittore che ammiriamo di più e al which inspires us most. I think it's a damn job, and we've a heavy enough working on the final Lost.

In short, the first half of 2010 will not be able to think Dark Tower, but it seems that the intentions are to make the film really ...

More information about the saga on Wikipedia .

Thursday, June 3, 2010

Itchy Rash Bend Of Arms

Trecentallora Biker's Rock Festival

11 ° Trecentallora Biker's Rock Festival 4/5/6 June 2010
This year Live Music-Food and Drinck-Free-Tattoo-camping area playground-FIREWORKS

June 2010 18.00 - 21.45 Happy Hour
Hours - MOTORFINGERS (original creative bands Modenese)
Ore 23.45 - Arthemisia (Heavy Trash-metal band from Verona, with five albums assets + the new 6th out)

June 5, 2010
09.00 am-Registration opens-Motoconcentrazione International Trecentallora "
11.00 - to be defined
16.00 - 21.45 Hours to be determined
- DRAGONS (Crackling trio Milan Rocker, Stray Cats supporters in August 2008, several collaborations with DJ RINGO
Ore 23.45 - BELLY Idol (Billy Idol tribute band from Rome)

June 6, 2010 09.00 am - Registration opens - Motoconcentrazione International Trecentallora "

more about

How To Write A New Hire Announcement

Alter Bridge in Padua! Mike Terrana

Great appointment in December 2010 with the lives of Alter Bridge, who will arrive in Italy for 4 dates .

The American group will be in concert in Italy for four stages of their long tour promoting their third album

. Blackbird is a real world success: it has led the group really

Above consecrating of the best rock bands of recent years.

Alter Bridge are currently in the studio to create the third album of their discography, then leave for a long tour that will take them in our belpaese for four dates in December.

The dates of the Italian Alter Bridge:
Alcatraz MILANO 01:12 02:12 ROMA
03:12 NONANTOLA (MO), Vox
04:12 PADOVA Gran Teatro

Place Admission € 34.50

Course Australia (formerly the Forum area Boario)


I'll be there!