Friday, April 24, 2009

Play Games Dinosaurs King

Rock in 2009

Ladies and Gentlemen, I am to announce that this year, despite our beloved river Po with his whimsical face the ups and downs, there will be in Rock Flood Plain!

This year, after the great success of last year, the event will aim to help the City of Hope Foundation ( born in 1994, the Foundation of the Department of Pediatric Oncology Hospital of Padua, engaged now in the building of the Tower of Hope, "a center point of reference for those who care and do research on childhood diseases. ). Last year, with the help of all those who participated we were able to devote the beauty of € 5500.00!

-Moment of allotment allow

In 2007, however, have adhered to the water to Italy AMREF (African Foundation for Medicine and Research) and we achieved our objective of building in Africa, Kenya, Njukini Zone, Diamond City, Loitokitok Division, a well that quenches 20 families in the area!

New this year ..
We will have many groups that play during the event starting at 15:00:

In addition there will be a special hobby and antiques market, while smaller, jugglers and street artists. Finally, Prof. Enzo Barion coordinate an extemporaneous painting!!

Boys, although there will be "Po High (speren de no Suga soon and if) the event will take place in an area adjacent cmq ... We have not yet decided which however will be well! :-)

We are waiting for remembering that the event will be held in fine weather! : D

Wednesday, April 8, 2009

Oscars Singaporebuffetprice

For the birthday of Maria Luisa Well

Auguri Maria Luisa
Maurizio Nocera

Santa Cesarea Terme. Una sera di marzo 2009. Nella casa che affianca la fantastica dimora di “Nostra Signora dei Turchi” siamo in cinque. Non siamo seduti attorno ad un tavolo, ma in un salotto dalle poltrone bianche. I nostri nomi sono: Valentina Sansò (che nella vita fa la grafica); Mauro Marino (che nella vita fa il grafico, ma anche il giornalista e tante other things); Rapanà Piero (who in life makes the actor), who writes here (and in life teaches a high school teaching). Then there's her, Madam, that Maria Luisa Well, sister dell'impronunciabile, CB.

We are curious to know what was his life, that of his parents, where it came from his family. In fact, through the questions we ask the lady, want answers that will enable us to know something more than his brother, dell'impronunciabile, CB.

Maria Luisa, white as a daisy white spring, tells us that she and CB were born in Salento fields, where their parents had transferred for work. The intentions of those parents had to stay there only three or four years. Dr. Reale, Lecce, dealer and owner of the tobacco factory of tobacco fields had turned to Umberto Well, a native of Vitigliano, but at the time living in Lecce, with these words:

"Dr. Umberto only she can do the miracle. Quell'opificio - the largest that I have - not good. I must replace it. Only you can succeed there. "

Ms. keeps telling us that her dad and her mom lived in Lecce, but not yet in via Degli Antoglietta, in another place, so they decided to accept this new job fields. In a first when the mother was in Lecce, while dad was up and down fields. But Dr. Royal insisted

"Don Umberto is not good for stays at Amelia woman Lecce. Open the drawers, the child sees the things he has lost - his name was Maria Teresa - and everything becomes painful for her. This introduces the world of work. "

At that time, [we are in the 30s] women were not working, so Mom Well gladly accepted the proposal to continue the workshop administration. So it was that became the technical director Umberto Well while the mother of Maria Luisa and dell'impronunciabile, CB, administrative. It tells us

yet the Lady: "I and Caramel were born there. Only after we moved to Lecce, when I was already fourteen and a half years and Carmelo sixteen. Carmelo has been luckier than me because, in addition to the primary, he could do to even the field averages and high schools in the Piarists. But I, after the fifth grade, as I was tiny little girl with braids I had to take the train and go to school in Lecce. A middle school fields there were no women. Then, we both have done at the Liceo Classico Lecce. Caramel has begun to Fields, the second and third high school he attended instead to Lecce. When we moved into the city, via Degli Antoglietta, I was in the fourth school. We went to that school which is now the University [near Porta Napoli], near where I used to play tennis. It was the early '50s. "

The Lady informs us that the house was sold via Degli Antoglietta at an affordable price to Umberto Well by Dr. Royal. Remember that it was a great deal dictated by gratitude. It was a house of nearly three hundred square meters, with flat roof. Well Umberto had solved the problems the family of the Royal Golf of the workshop. It was wartime and Lecce no one could have the grain to make bread, bran, legumes. Maria Luisa tells us that in fields all over the country he loved his father, particularly because he had not wanted to join the fascist regime, but also because he did not want to take any card, supporting the first workers' strikes. "It was he who stands in front of the gates, even threatening to get shot! This Caramel told him, Dad was very strong, though not very high. "

tells us that once again showed up in two fields fascists, she, Maria Luisa, was attached to the trousers of his father, when he opened the door. "They threatened to take the children ... the stairs were very steep ramp one. Dad did just that ... and rolled down the stairs. "

Farmers campiensi Umberto Well loved because it gave them the seeds. In time of war, went to Bosnia and Herzegovina with a cattle car, and from there brought back tobacco and seeds. Then all the farmers in the tobacco fields.

The lady said: "The mother told him:" Do me a favor, do not go to the employment office. Get your bike and take a tour of homes. See who has more children, where the need is greatest. " Then my parents came to be occupied up to eight workers. And there it worked the best tobacco in Puglia.

politely ask the lady how old CB leaves the house to go to Rome to Lecce.

"At seventeen years. Just finished high school classic, "is the answer given to us.

But she finished high school, was sent into "exile" in Bologna. Exile because he had a guy who did not want Umberto Good Home. "So - says Mrs. - Carmelo made his debut in '59 when the theater arts, Mom and Dad went to Lecce, Bologna and I found ourselves in a hotel in Rome."

was on this occasion that the CB said: "Now that you return to Bologna do an acting course."

"I have already started," she said.

kindly ask you to tell us what was the first work of CB

"It was Caligula."

Camus had been very unhappy interpretation of Gerad Philipe, so CB and his friends went to Paris to ask the copyright. Was not there. He was at La Fenice in Venice. So he tried the CB at the hotel, where he went with director Roger Alberto, who was still with him the Academy. Camus asked them, 'Which one is Caligula? ".

"I, master," said Carmelo - adding - "We have a big problem, we do not have much money for his rights."

"I'm signing away rights in exchange for a seat in the audience on opening night," was his reply.

Unfortunately never saw him, for he died before.

We still

Mrs. CB debuted in theaters such.

"Carmelo has not made his debut in the cellars. Its debut has made them all in the big theaters. After the "Caligula" at the Theatre des Arts, then had him as an actor and director also Politeama of Genoa. Then he made "Dr. Jekil and Mr. Hyde" Reduced to the Élysée, "Ubu Roi" at the Theatre of the Satyrs and the "Faust" at the Margherita. Then he made "Manon" at the Flaiano, and the Teatro delle Muse "Pink and Black" and "Monaco". "

We would like to remind the other details of the debuts of his CB experiments, much more. But now his answer the above question:

"For the experimentation and the search was a problem finding space, so we opened the first theater workshop in Trastevere, Piazza San Cosimato. From there we went to the Beat then 72, then at the Theatre "Carmelo Bene" in Piazza Fontanella Borghese. But already in Piazza San Cosimato were Pier Paolo Pasolini, Alberto Moravia, Elsa Morante. Giulio Carlo Argan, who, on the occasion of "Mayakovsky" by Carmelo led to the theater all his students to hear. "

Please, let us ask Mary Louise know how it goes now his life.

"This night, but last night the other yet, I had a strong tachycardia. So, I said "Maria Luisa what's left to live?". This I said to myself, at the same time when I thought the most important thing that I still have to do: to bring Dad's ashes and Caramel from Otranto to Santa Cesarea. Then even after I die. I have lived so many lives that stress was just that sooner or later come. When someone talks to me about depression, to me those words I seem to be almost an insult to Providence. Why no more than I would have been entitled to depression. I have not had time to bring me down. Never. I always run as a daughter of quail. I did the race in life. So now I can not wait to stop. " We ask the

Lady why she took the opportunity to do theater.

We answer: "When we were young and I had the Caramel identical item. I repeat: the same. I did diction in Bologna with Ernestina Zaggia, Memo Benassi's wife, his partner on stage. She wanted me in radio, where he led a drive on Sunday afternoon. But I went back to Lecce to convince my parents. I wanted to reach Caramel in Rome. But I was not to convince them with the word needed to invent something. This is something you can find him in a passage from the Book of Caramel "I appeared to the Virgin Mary." This is a slip of my brother, and it is this: when I was born, I wanted to jump overboard Caramel down from the terrace. Caramel girls hated, because he found them cute. But then I accepted, indeed, I was happy, so that when I give the first doll - in time of war were dolls made of cloth, not even that good, filled with straw - I made a small small small pieces. The destroyed. This made him happy, he said, "Well, then I've got a playmate." And it was guns, along with the theater! I sediolina on, I was his first critic. "

And what was life in Lecce, via Degli Antoglietta?

"There we were fencing. Foil - we feel meet - When Carmelo finished high school, Barbara took lessons from the Master, because he wanted to become a tenor. But since we both started to smoke is the 'break' the voice. Do you think my first cigarette - Carmelo already smoked - offered it to me dad I was sixteen, during the feast of freshman Carmelo. It was a menagerie! I remember it because it was flat. I also remember that when we studied, when mom got up to bring coffee to five or six, of Caramel in the room the air is cut with a knife. Mom said "You two tonight ...."