comes the fifth edition of Freely!
After confirmation of the great success of the 2008, with almost 21,000 visitors in one weekend the 28 February and 1 March 2009 Ferrara returns to the Hall of leisure, entertainment and outdoor life!
Freely became the fixture company who wish to propose to a large audience and motivated many proposals for the holidays, entertainment, travel, hobbies, green in general. The events and initiatives for children and adults will be complementary to the event as always, and will satisfy all tastes and budgets. Exhibitors from all Italian regions are articulated through tourism, camping, caravans and camper vans, sports, gastronomy, green thumb, shopping as always many good reasons to be there!
In particular, the sectors represented are:
- Tourism: campsites, tourist villages, tourist promotion agencies, travel agencies, consortia alberghieri…
- Camper e campeggio: autocaravan, roulotte, nautica, tende ed accessori per il campeggio…
- Sagre in fiera: prodotti tipici ferraresi
- Pollice verde: macchine e attrezzature per il giardinaggio e orticoltura, arredo giardino e spazi verdi, piante e fiori
- Enogastronomia: vendita dei migliori prodotti tipici
- Artigianato e Shopping: tutto quello che ti serve, che cercavi, che non credevi esistesse
- Fantasy & Hobby: produttori, rivenditori di materie prime e prodotto finito delle varie tecniche dell'hobbistica
Il sabato mattina fino at 13 women and children get in for free!