Saturday, May 30, 2009

Pokemon Silver Cheats Graphic

Palazzo Reale: Futurism 1909 - 2009 - Last Week!

When it comes to art, and especially the visual arts, I've always liked things "strange". I mean, I was always fascinated from abstract, geometry, bright colors, the paintings of bizarre human beings, may fill with all the titles that apparently have nothing to do nothing, or at least the mind of the "common man" can not understand. Maybe I like these things because they are in perfect harmony with the mind of people today (including myself), seeing the mess that surrounds us ... :-) Or I like them because they reflect a way of seeing things differently from the traditional stereotypes? Sometimes even leave room for our imagination, enabling each of us to offer an interpretation of its own.

Well, to take advantage of my passion for modern art, I went to the Royal Palace to see the exhibition "Futurism 1909 - 2009: Speed \u200b\u200b+ Art + Action" organized to celebrate the centenary of the birth of the famous current art. In few words, the future was characterized by the preference for concepts such as speed, fight, industry, or the chaos of big cities, "contaminating" all forms of art in the first part of 900. Apart from painting and sculpture, futurism was present in the decorative arts, fashion, advertising, cinema, literature and theater. Among the most important artists, you should seek above all the works of Fortunato Depero, Giacomo Balla, Gino Severini, but also the section on FT Marinetti, the author of the "Futurist Manifesto," published in 1909.

not tell you anything more! I leave you go and see for ourselves what question. However, the exhibition offers a rather complete what was the future. But as the exhibition closes on June 7, you still have a week available! Hurry and do not regret it!

Friday, May 29, 2009

Egl_salesblooming Garden Metamorphose

After "An American in Paris" here ... "A Romeno in Milan"

E 'right from the start that you know who you are dealing with!

I happen, especially in my early days in Milan, to clarify, when I presented myself, the fact that "they are from Romania, but I'm a good girl." Ah, yes ... My reasoning was to "reassure" people before me that, despite the regular presence of my fellow players of the crime, they had not niente di cui preoccuparsi, per quanto mi riguardava. Però, questo pensiero negativo si è rivelato di essere lontano da loro! Tanta gente mi ha detto che la qualità umana si vede subito, per ciò è inutile fare certe menzioni quando si vive e si lavora ad un livello sociale ed intelettuale piuttosto alto. Allora, superiamo questo punto!

Dopo avere vissuto una gran parte della mia infanzia a Milano, negli anni '80, rieccomi qui dopo tanti anni e tanti cambiamenti. A Settembre 2008, ho deciso di tornare in un posto dove sono stata felice, e dove ho scoperto che ancora lo sono. Ho avuto la fortuna di incontrare persone straordinarie, che non mi hanno mai fatto sentire una "outsider", e che mi hanno accolta con amicizia, e senza nessun pregiudizio. Com'è importante questa cosa!

Ma è importante anche lo sforzo che una persona straniera fa per adattarsi alla cultura nella quale ha deciso di vivere. Io, dal punto di vista culturale e linguistico, posso dire che non mi sento completamente straniera, ma ci saranno sempre delle cose che non si conoscono bene, e che si devono imparare. E quando qualcuno guarda il mondo che lo circonda con diffidenza, oppure con dispetto o ironia, magari non si trova nel posto giusto!

Cosa voglio fare io con questo blog? Come professionista di comunicazione, lo scopo sarà semplicemente quello di ... comunicare, dalle mie esperienze, quelle che meritano essere condivise. Potrei parlare di cosa significa vivere in Milan from the perspective of someone who is not from these parts of my "consumers" of culture and social life, or of the beautiful things about my country and maybe you do not know. However, what I want and create a space to talk about the finer things in life and things that make us happy. For this, the "enemies" to escape from are: politics, economic crisis, and the other "nightmare" of the man contemporraneo. In the end, we can all see the half-half-full of heaps!

I invite you to follow my "brain juice" and if you want to have your say!

Sunday, May 3, 2009

How To Invite To A Pastor

Tri day in the mud 10 ° + 3

Despite the sudden downpour that invaded the biker party, I can say that I really enjoyed it! There are those who fared just fine, while others have stayed out of the tent, or because they were too drunk to get into it or because it was chock-full of water. We, we were rewarded by a nice buffer of wind ripping the tent! : (Thanks tent "Ferrino," was nice while it lasted! We've left with honor on the field!
Although many people fled to the nubrifagio, then when the worst is over, we returned to the usual .. Beer, sausages, tattoos, country music, rockabilly, it was amazing!

refugee camp

During the storm ..

Greetings to all who participated! At the Great Bikers!