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My readings .. Meyer
After "Twilight", a mixture of romance and vampire story, comes the second volume in the saga of Bella and Edward. The day of the eighteenth birthday of Isabella a little domestic incident can undermine the peace of his life with her boyfriend, vampire Edward and the family of him, the repercussions are likely to convince the family to leave the town where they live, and Edward leaving Bella. She lives a long period of loneliness and sadness, he crosses the bridge with their friends, to be contained in itself, to the almost random reappearance in his life as Jacob Black, the young Indian who had first given birth to in her doubts about the true identity of the family of Edward. The higher the ratio friendship between Jacob and Bella gets stronger, the more she seems back to normal that was missing for some time. But the newly found peace is disturbed by mysterious events, including a strange series of murders on the edge of the forest and the appearance of new, strange creatures of the night.
Beautiful, the feelings are the key part of this book, Bella's grief is so strong that involves the reader in an extraordinary way! are devoured Me! Kept me anxious to know how Edward and Bella would meet again .. I read it in 2 days ... really kept me on hold and I felt this anxiety, I thought it was me who have lost my greatest love ..
I highly recommend.
The story continues ..
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