Monday, June 29, 2009

Perth Gay Hot Men Live Cam

Jobs in Public Relations. And ... NO! I'm not a hostess! A thought for Michael

Mi sembra spaventoso e preoccupante come certe persone confondono il lavoro dello specialista in Pubbliche Relazioni con quello di una hostess. Purtroppo, non mi riferisco solo alla gente che non appartiene a questo ambito professionale. Anche certi così-detti "professionisti" fanno questa inammissibile confusione, e questo fenomeno succede al livello internazionale. Mi è capitato, nel passato, di vedere degli annunci di lavoro come "hostess" o "dama di compagnia" postati nella sezione "Marketing, Pubblicità e PR", sia Italians and Romanians sites.

I'm talking to all those who put these ads in these sections. People, wake up! Take any book on this job. There are many, and perhaps the contents will enlighten you a bit about what this job! To make this work takes much more than just a pretty face and a gregarious personality. I'm not saying one should not be elegant and Allach friends when he goes to an event, or that I do not like the idea! I'm just saying that these things are not enough. Maybe a job as a promoter would be a good solution for a young person to first work experiences, but this does not define a career in the field of RP. This is

you build a career. In addition to the indispensable degree or master's degree in a related discipline and the necessary studies of the theory, there are many other skills, innate or developed over time, which serve to whoever does this job. It takes creativity and analytical skills to shape an identity attractive to be assigned to a product, service, or public figure, and then win a certain "audience." It takes a vast knowledge of the sectors in which we work (economics, culture, entertainment, politics, etc..) And a vast knowledge of the media world. This culture is achieved through hours of research and study every day. Otherwise, how do we make ourselves known by consumers that interest us? It takes patience and diplomacy with the press, to convince them to write about us, and write to our advantage. Then, it takes the same diplomacy, intelligence mixed in order to avoid embarrassing and damaging to the image of our client. In short, absolutely hostess!

For this, dear Lord especially in the post ad inappropriate, uninformed, try to fight his own ignorance and stop underestimating the work of PR!

Saturday, June 27, 2009

High Esr And Heamoglobin

Yesterday morning the radio woke me up with some sad news. Between sleep and waking, I heard something about "the sudden death of Michael Jackson ...." What? When? Really?? It seemed a bad scherzo. E' vero che negli ultimi tempi il suo stato di salute sembrava piuttosto debole, e che si veicolavano certe ipotesi su certe malattie, ma questa non me l'aspettavo! E ancora non ci posso credere...

Alcuni di noi erano dei grandi fan, altri invece no. Però, obbiettivamente, dobbiamo ammettere che Michael è stato un grande artista, e che ha fatto parte, più o meno, della vita di tutti noi. Ad esempio, io vi posso raccontare che lui è stato il primo star internazionale a sostenere un concerto nella Romania post-communista, nel 1992. Delirio nazionale! Ragazzi con delle nuove acconciature: capelli legati in una coda alle spalle, e con un riccio sulla fronte, à la Michael (il cappello era opzionale, ma a volte There was even that). How many of us have tried at least once, to imitate his choreography, and succeed or not? Or how many of us have had in class at least one wild fan, always ready to defend against attacks from those who could not stand him? I remember a scandal between two girls in my class average. One says: "But as you may like Michael? It 's a pedophile," and the other responds: "Pedophile is your grandfather!" :-D Then, in 1996, he returned to Bucharest, with a new tour, and I went there too, along with the greatest of friends. It was the first pop concert which I went there, and we're super-fun! A real show!

What can we say? A short but glorious life, lived since childhood in the spotlight. A very controversial character. A legend of pop music. I wonder if it was never really happy? Who knows whether or not he was guilty of all charges that were made? We'll never know. One thing is certain: no one will forget!

Sunday, June 14, 2009

Games For A Lia Sophia Party

stranierina The thought behind the wheel today ...

This morning I took a walk in the car, around my "neighborhood." I love it! Now that I finally got my own car, I take this opportunity, and I confess that it is a pleasure to drive aimlessly, perhaps in familiar places, just to "train" and to develop their driving skills.

Thus, poor circulation on the roads of a Sunday morning, I also had some time to devote to my own thoughts ... car. It is said that the driving style of a people reflects the situation in that country. Obviously, from here he left a detailed comparison between Romania and Italy. I will tell you a secret: even though I have the license for years, in Romania I had almost always afraid to drive, and my moments of "extreme bravery" were few, and even then I felt like Indiana Jones embarked nell'aventura of his life. Why? Why, even when traveling as a passenger, it was impossible not to take fright at least one or at least not hear a single curse, and I intend to travel, not per giorno! Strade strette e storte, città affollata, cantieri da per tutto, vie chiuse per lavori in corso, file interminabili al semaforo, e, in conseguenza, gente nervosissima, e senza voglia di rispettare le regole, oppure di essere cortesi nei confronti degli altri partecipanti al traffico. E pensate che i peggiori sono quelli che hanno le macchine più grandi o più care: chi ha la BMW fuoristrada si permette di sentirsi superiore a quello che ha una Dacia "stile anni '80". E questo succede anche al di fuori dalla macchina, purtroppo! Nemmeno quando facevo io la scuola guida nel 2004, le cose non erano ancora così spaventose!

Guidare a Milano sarà sicuramente più difficile che guidare in una piccola città Italian. The city is always moving, full of people, machines, and especially motorcycles. But I'm not afraid! I swear! Although there is the occasional "hell driver", or a cyclist who breaks, politeness is still there, the streets are properly marked, and the yards were not so many, to become a problem. Once, a girl from Romania who was in Milan on a business trip he said: "Milan is also a crowded city, but at least those moves, we remain stuck forever!" Ah, yes ... We hope that things will change in Romania, at all levels!

course, each city is evaluated with respect to the source, from all points of view, not only by the traffic. As for the stranierina driver, you will see what the future holds on the streets of Milan are hoping for a driving without an accident, and without too scared! Come on, you can do!

Friday, June 5, 2009

How To Unlock Bag Combination Lock

Facebook as a threat to real life?

Facebook is definitely a topic that occupies an important place in people's lives today. As usual, I do not exclude my own person! Before coming to Italy, I was not on Facebook. I heard about it, but maybe we had not yet become so "popular", even if there was a lot of people registered. Coming here, I found out in detail, thanks to my friends, what it was!

What can I say? The thing for which I am grateful to the popular social network is, first of all, the fact of helping me to find childhood friends, classmates, or lost relatives in the world ... In short, people who had not seen for many years, and that I would not know how to track down. Also, I must admit that it is easier to keep permanent contact with your friends and colleagues, although, truth be told, I prefer a thousand times to see them "live", especially if you are close!

was here that I wanted to get there: would you think a limit of time to devote to the activities of an "Facebookologica" (yes, I know that this word does not exist, but now I invented:-D)? Because there is only the question of "Friends Reunited", but there are tests, games, or the relatively new "social living - pick your 5 of the day." A dependency is created, especially in our days off, or when we are at home with the flu or other "evils." Each of us already knew what color is, what the city looks more like that smurf is, that book is, at what age or marry. Similarly, each of us has had the opportunity to share 5 favorite movies, the 5 places where he lived, the 5 essentials for a beautiful day, or to publish various photos and video.

Among the people I know, there gente che è abbastanza "dipendente", ma sono assolutamente convinta che abbiano anche una vita molto animata e attiva. C'è la gente che ammette di non usarlo quasi mai, e c'è la gente che dice di avere avuto un periodo di dipendenza nei primi mesi dopo l'iscrizione, quando c'era l'elemento "novità", ma poi si sono stancati. Però, conosco anche delle persone per le quali non esiste solo Facebook, ma anche Twitter, My Space, e in più, altri centomila blog, su centomila argomenti. E mi chiedo: come sarà la vita REALE di queste persone? Hanno il tempo per avere una vita?

Io, personalmente, ammetto di divertirmi a volte con queste cose, ma forse mi passeranno prima o poi. A volte, ho avuto dei periods so busy, that Facebook became the last of my priorities. But if I had to choose between leaving the city with friends and being on Facebook, guess what to choose! In the end, there are so many things to see and do, with so many people who enjoy great, and it would be a shame to miss a full and real life!

Wednesday, June 3, 2009

Asking For Contribution To A Gift

Apparently we are not able to upload many more photos to blogger ..
My blog will be temporarily inactive.
We hope to resolve this problem as soon as possible ..