Yesterday morning the radio woke me up with some sad news. Between sleep and waking, I heard something about "the sudden death of Michael Jackson ...." What? When? Really?? It seemed a bad scherzo. E' vero che negli ultimi tempi il suo stato di salute sembrava piuttosto debole, e che si veicolavano certe ipotesi su certe malattie, ma questa non me l'aspettavo! E ancora non ci posso credere...
Alcuni di noi erano dei grandi fan, altri invece no. Però, obbiettivamente, dobbiamo ammettere che Michael è stato un grande artista, e che ha fatto parte, più o meno, della vita di tutti noi. Ad esempio, io vi posso raccontare che lui è stato il primo star internazionale a sostenere un concerto nella Romania post-communista, nel 1992. Delirio nazionale! Ragazzi con delle nuove acconciature: capelli legati in una coda alle spalle, e con un riccio sulla fronte, à la Michael (il cappello era opzionale, ma a volte There was even that). How many of us have tried at least once, to imitate his choreography, and succeed or not? Or how many of us have had in class at least one wild fan, always ready to defend against attacks from those who could not stand him? I remember a scandal between two girls in my class average. One says: "But as you may like Michael? It 's a pedophile," and the other responds: "Pedophile is your grandfather!" :-D Then, in 1996, he returned to Bucharest, with a new tour, and I went there too, along with the greatest of friends. It was the first pop concert which I went there, and we're super-fun! A real show!
What can we say? A short but glorious life, lived since childhood in the spotlight. A very controversial character. A legend of pop music. I wonder if it was never really happy? Who knows whether or not he was guilty of all charges that were made? We'll never know. One thing is certain: no one will forget!
Alcuni di noi erano dei grandi fan, altri invece no. Però, obbiettivamente, dobbiamo ammettere che Michael è stato un grande artista, e che ha fatto parte, più o meno, della vita di tutti noi. Ad esempio, io vi posso raccontare che lui è stato il primo star internazionale a sostenere un concerto nella Romania post-communista, nel 1992. Delirio nazionale! Ragazzi con delle nuove acconciature: capelli legati in una coda alle spalle, e con un riccio sulla fronte, à la Michael (il cappello era opzionale, ma a volte There was even that). How many of us have tried at least once, to imitate his choreography, and succeed or not? Or how many of us have had in class at least one wild fan, always ready to defend against attacks from those who could not stand him? I remember a scandal between two girls in my class average. One says: "But as you may like Michael? It 's a pedophile," and the other responds: "Pedophile is your grandfather!" :-D Then, in 1996, he returned to Bucharest, with a new tour, and I went there too, along with the greatest of friends. It was the first pop concert which I went there, and we're super-fun! A real show!
What can we say? A short but glorious life, lived since childhood in the spotlight. A very controversial character. A legend of pop music. I wonder if it was never really happy? Who knows whether or not he was guilty of all charges that were made? We'll never know. One thing is certain: no one will forget!
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