Monday, June 29, 2009

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Jobs in Public Relations. And ... NO! I'm not a hostess! A thought for Michael

Mi sembra spaventoso e preoccupante come certe persone confondono il lavoro dello specialista in Pubbliche Relazioni con quello di una hostess. Purtroppo, non mi riferisco solo alla gente che non appartiene a questo ambito professionale. Anche certi così-detti "professionisti" fanno questa inammissibile confusione, e questo fenomeno succede al livello internazionale. Mi è capitato, nel passato, di vedere degli annunci di lavoro come "hostess" o "dama di compagnia" postati nella sezione "Marketing, Pubblicità e PR", sia Italians and Romanians sites.

I'm talking to all those who put these ads in these sections. People, wake up! Take any book on this job. There are many, and perhaps the contents will enlighten you a bit about what this job! To make this work takes much more than just a pretty face and a gregarious personality. I'm not saying one should not be elegant and Allach friends when he goes to an event, or that I do not like the idea! I'm just saying that these things are not enough. Maybe a job as a promoter would be a good solution for a young person to first work experiences, but this does not define a career in the field of RP. This is

you build a career. In addition to the indispensable degree or master's degree in a related discipline and the necessary studies of the theory, there are many other skills, innate or developed over time, which serve to whoever does this job. It takes creativity and analytical skills to shape an identity attractive to be assigned to a product, service, or public figure, and then win a certain "audience." It takes a vast knowledge of the sectors in which we work (economics, culture, entertainment, politics, etc..) And a vast knowledge of the media world. This culture is achieved through hours of research and study every day. Otherwise, how do we make ourselves known by consumers that interest us? It takes patience and diplomacy with the press, to convince them to write about us, and write to our advantage. Then, it takes the same diplomacy, intelligence mixed in order to avoid embarrassing and damaging to the image of our client. In short, absolutely hostess!

For this, dear Lord especially in the post ad inappropriate, uninformed, try to fight his own ignorance and stop underestimating the work of PR!


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